This book includes an in-depth Bible Study plan and would be perfect for a small group (or a large group) of women.
In this book, Sheila searches Scripture for things God has promised us and goes into great detail about what those promises mean. This book contains ten solid promises from God on: Something to hold on to, Provision, Peace, Confidence, Love, Grace, Hope, Strength, Knowing there's something better, and Home. Sheila uses all sorts of tools in order to help us understand and make connections in her book. She uses a lot of personal stories and you can tell that she is very passionate to get these truths out to other women.
This book can be used as a Bible Study or a devotional or just something to read when you need to hear about one of God's truths. Definitely a good thing to read when you're having a bad or rough day.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the
Love Sheila Walsh! Thanks for the recommendation. Another wonderful book on God's promises is pastor James MacDonald's newest, "Always True." Full of Scripture and reminders of God's faithful and precious promises. I recommend it.