Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is Your Brain in Love

This is your brain in love- by Dr. Earl Henslin

This book is written by a professional and just covers some question and answers to some basic questions, personal and professional stories, and it covers some emotions and what different kinds of lovers are.

I just thought this book would be interesting. I'm not married, i'm not even in a relationship, but I thought it would be nice to know some things and to have as a reference.

I received this book for free for review from

A Conversation with God for Women

A Conversation with God- for Women by Marcia Ford

This book covers some questions that women might be seeking answers to and is in a kind of dialogue form, with answers from God from the Bible to those questions. Some of the topics include:

* existence and nature of God
* Jesus, Virgin birth of God's only Son
* authenticity of Scripture
* meaning in and unique challenges of a woman's life
* power and purpose of prayer
* importance, realities, and struggles of relationships
* coexistence of good and evil

This book wasn't a very easy read book. I question whether or not these are really questions that women have for God. I think mostly because I have so many more other questions and mine weren't really all in that list. I think this book could be helpful for a conversation starter or in a new christian's bible study/devotional.

I received this book for free for review from

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Awakening by Stovall Weems

I chose this book from Waterbrook Multnomah for this review, at because the title and excerpt from the book intrigued me. I have found myself in this sort of rut in my spiritual relationship with God. I haven't felt very hungry for His word or felt any motivation to read His word even. I knew/know that something is not right. I deeply desire to be hungry for God.
In Weem's book, Awakening, Weem talks about stop hitting the spiritual snooze button. Which means, to stop putting off having a relationship with God. I am guilty of thinking to myself that i'll work on my relationship with God later, i'm too busy now, etc. This book will help you to stop going through the motions of a Christian life and deeply desire to know and love God.
This book also teaches you about surrendering and fasting and praying. All of which are pretty important in a christian lifestyle.
I would definitely recogmend this book to anyone who is perhaps like me and hitting the snooze button a lot and just not feeling motivated or sluggish in their faith.