Well hello there...
It's fall time. Or as my cute little brother says "it's autumn Mindy, not fall!" He must have just learned that in school and now insists that autumn is the correct terminology.
It's been a long time since i've updated. The gist of what has happened is that camp of course has ended. The day after it ended I moved back to St. Cloud for school. I moved into my apartment, which is completely awesome by the way, and classes have started. I'm on week 5...well actually since it's technically friday, i'm ending week 5. Crazy! It doesn't feel like it has been that long, but I guess it has. I also got a job! I work at Aria Communications. I basically am a telemarketer but it's a little more different that what you'd expect. Basically, I call on behalf of different non-profit organizations and schools and make telephone calls for them asking for support for whatever they stand for. I just got trained into UMAA, which is the University of Minnesota Alumni Association. I get to call alumni and ask them to support the U. And if they do they can get a cool tshirt and a card which allows them to get discounts to a million different places like target and sears and barnes and nobles and basically anywhere you want to go. 0_0. I guess it's kinda cool. But yes, that is basically what I do. I had orientation both monday and wednesday and today (friday) is my final day of orientation and a test. I have to call 3 different supervisors and pretend they are alumni and try to get them to give support. Hopefully I pass it.
Anyway, having a job is making my schedule a little bit crazy right now. I will be working Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and every other weekend. But tuesday and wednesday I have Bible Study and thursdays I have CRU. So I literally have no open days anymore, except for the 2 weekends a month that I don't work. Hopefully this doesn't present any challenges for my homework...
Homework sucks by the way. I have really lame classes this semester. My HURL and Philosophy class drives me insane. They are so dumb and requires an intense amount of reading crap that I already basically know. Which doesn't make me feel very bad when and if I don't read it...
Well, I just wanted to give a quick update on my life. It's almost 1 am and I have class at 10. And I'm watching the food network (a new favorite tv show...) and I should really just sleep. :P